Wednesday 24 June 2009

Hama Beads


What a great invention, so simple but keep the little ones amused for hours. We have the Maxi ones so a bit bigger and easier to use.
For those of you that don't know what these are they are tube like beads that you put on to a peg board and then you place some paper over them and then iron them and they all stick together and you get to keep your shape/animal. My girls like to put all the beads one and then they tip them back in the pot and start again, which is good as this saves me ironing them and they last forever.



Beki said...

We love Hama in our house!
I saw somewhere larger beads for the little ones but for the life of me can't remember where.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my previous post.
Take care
Beki xxx

Pink Feather Paradise said...

Thanks for stopping by, and those hamma beads look fab... Jamie had some of the ball type ones but I haven't seen any creations lately... I think she was struggling to get them to stick together properly

Those big ones are fab though, I remember having a grid type piece of plastic and you stuck various size pieces of plastic on like tiny mosaic tiles that had pegs on the back... they are probably still up in mums attic... will have to go round and root them out...

hours of fun

x Alex

x vInTaGe VioLeT x said...

ooh i've never seen hama beads that size they look great - must get some!