Monday, 22 February 2010

Favourite things

Well due to the weather we didn't venture very far yesterday, isn't that always the way when you have plans for doing outdoorsy things?
We instead had a lovely family day in. I baked a lovely lemon drizzle cake for after dinner, we played games, did puzzles, watched our new dvd- UP, and had a roast dinner, yum yum. I love family days when we are all at home together.
My son is now at an age where he doesn't always want to do things with us and wants to go and do his own thing which I find hard and always try and find things he will be interested in doing with us.

Today with all 3 at school/pre-school (at least until 12, anyway!) I spent the morning wandering around book shops. I love book shops and could quite easily spends hours in there.
In my dream house I would have my own little library with all the families books and some comfy chairs for us to spend time reading and dipping in and out of books. Well I will keep dreaming!

I started off my day in a small local bookshop, which doesn't have a huge selection but I love it all the same. I had a desire to read Jane Eyre again, I was at school the last time I read this. So I treated myself to it today, and will start reading it this evening when the little ones are in bed.
After this shop I drove to the shopping mall and went into WHSmiths where I looked at the books and have added some to my wish list but didn't buy any. I did however buy my little girls the new hello Kitty party thing that you buy fortnightly, which they are excited about. I then went on to Waterstones and as soon as I walked in I felt relaxed. I don't know what exactly it is that makes me feel like that, but as I said before I could just sit flicking through books.

Right off to the housework, in the real world
